I’ve just signed up for Republic Wireless. This is a new company based in the United States that provides extremely affordable wireless phone service using a combination of WiFi and the Sprint network. Since it includes free roaming, and 5 GB of data transfer, it’s an amazing deal.
What’s even better, is you can sign up and get a 30-day money back guarantee. They provision your phone with a temporary phone number (you can port a number in at any time).
I just signed up for the $5 month plan for starters. What this gives me is unlimited phone calls as long as the phone is connected to a WiFi connection. I am going to port my office phone line over to Republic Wireless. Since I’m planning to have my voicemail and phone also ring on my Verizon Wireless phone number I’ll be saving some money.

How am I saving money? Well, currently I’m paying $20 each month to Cox here in Phoenix just so they can forward my office phone number to a Google Voice phone number. Yeah, so I’m already spending $20 every single month for a stupid service. For some reason, I can’t port the number to Google Voice, but I can port the number over to Republic Wireless.
I ordered the Moto X phone ($299) with the service, so my initial cost was about $320 (includes a few taxes and the first month of service). After nineteen months, I’ll hit that magic break-even moment where I’ll be saving $15/month compared to my current situation with Cox. Since I’ve been paying Cox to forward this line for the last 7-8 years, it was an easy decision.
Oh, and did I mention there is no contract? I can cancel at any time. Here’s the link to the Moto X $299 No Contract from Republic Wireless
I’ll post another review here once I’ve had a month to use the service. My phone should come within the next two weeks. I don’t know how long it will take to port the phone number, but probably not too long considering it only takes a few hours for other phone companies to do the same.
Side note: As a web designer, I was extremely pleased with the Republic Wireless site. Not only did they answer all of my questions, but the site was easy to use, and generally worked as expected. They even have some awesome forums for members who are wondering if there is good service in their area.
Update: I’ve had Republic Wireless for a few months now. It took about two months to get my phone number ported from Cox (Arizona) over to Republic Wireless. The issue was on the Cox end and not Republic Wireless.